
This is a collection of some of my favorite coding projects. Check out all of my projects on GitHub.


Gradient Games • 2022

Gradient Games is a simple board game app built using SpriteKit and SwiftUI for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS. Includes the ability to play local games on the same device, plus creating and sharing themes. You can also create and share themes on the web using the theme designers:

Anniversary • 2021

Anniversary is a small game I made using the LÖVE engine for my girlfriend to celebrate our anniversary. I made all the graphics in Aesprite and music using BeepBox.

Centauri • 2020

Centauri is a short text-based adventure game inspired by The Martian and Three Body Problem.

Fally Bally • 2014-2021

Fally Bally is a simple, minimalist arcade game written in Swift using SpriteKit for iOS and iPadOS. I originially co-developed it back in 2014. It was written in Objective-C and relied on Apple's iAd system for generating revenue. In 2021, I completely redesigned and rewrote the app from the ground up and released it as a new app under the same name.

Generative Art

MountainScape • 2020-2022

MountainScape is a program to generate a mountain scape using fractal noise composed from Perlin noise octaves. Built using JavaScript and the HTML canvas.

SnowEffect • 2020

SnowEffect is a simple JavaScript function to generate a gentle snow effect over a webpage.

Double Pendulum • 2019

Double Pendulum is a generative art program which produced varied artworks by plotting the movement of a double pendulum with randomized initial conditions. Speed-based coloration using custom implementation of Painter's algorithm and ColorsFinder algorithm. Built using Python and the Pillow and Scipy packages.


MakeAppIcons • 2021

MakeAppIcons is a simple Swift command line tool to automatically generate correctly sized images from a source image for the AppIcon XCAsset appiconset in Xcode.

ColorsFinder • 2020

ColorsFinder is a web tool that helps find evenly spaced color gradients with arbitrary interval values.


UVA Climate Stories • 2022

Website I created and maintained for my girlfriend's independent study project in college. She interviewed a group of students to collect their views on how climate change impacted them, and any appeals they had for UVA leadership.

Personal Website • 2019-2022

This website. Built using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. Provides a place to keep track of projects and practice web-based development.